
There's a new detective back in town and he looks an awful lot like Iron Man.  Guy Ritchie's latest film project, Sherlock Holmes, will be starring Robert Downey, Jr. in the title role and Jude Law as the reluctant sidekick, Dr. Watson.  Undoubtedly the two will draw a crowd and the first week's opening should be a spectacular event.

It's the future weekend box offices I'm wondering about.

All the information they have released on the plot says that Holmes will stop someone from trying to take over and destroy Britain.  Yes, well, we've all seen that plot.  In The Day After Tomorrow the culprit was Mother Nature.  In Iron Man it was Obediah Stane.  In The Dark Knight it was the Joker.  Given Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's treatment of his arrogant hero and the mysteries he solved, I would have expected something a little bit more ingenious.  I think the literary Sherlock Holmes would be terribly disappointed that his 21st Century bigscreen debut is about saving the world. 

Yawn.  Been there.  Done that.  No t-shirt because Sherlock Holmes is above t-shirts.  Just pay his fee.

And while I am a huge fan of RDJ, I must confess an apprehension at an American playing a British detective.  I can't personally think of a single role in which he ever used a British accent.  Of course he was spectatular as an Austrailian actor playing a black man in Tropic Thunder and he managed both of those accents well, so here's hoping he can keep it going for two hours.  I am more than eager to be proven wrong.

We will know more when they finally release a trailor for the movie.  Until then, let's hope and pray that it isn't so elementary and more than just a few brief fighting scenes and a half-naked RDJ arouse our interest.

By Amy


So I'm still in the process of reading Sherlock Holmes.  Actually not half bad, once you get past the, "Jolly good" attitude that seems to frequent every statement.  And I've also finished Mark Twain's The Tragedy of Puddn'head Wilson.  That's actually quite good, but I love Mark Twain.  One of the few American author's who ever seemed to get it right when it came to novels.

Easter is tomorrow, so everyone dress in their Sunday best!  Unlike poor Rainey who has to go to about six services, we are attending tomorrow's service and that is it.  Unless she feigned illness again.  I want to do that.

Oh, must sees: NBC's, new Kings television show.  Heavy wording, lots of imagery, but overall not a bad start to a fairly unique perspective of the David and Saul stories in the Bible.  Of course, I've only see three episodes.  That could all change quite easily, but so far I do enjoy the many intricate plots.  The acting is quite bad in some areas, but in other's you find yourself pulled into the everyday life of the kingdom of Gilboa.

Okay, yes, they could have done a much better job on the name Gilboa.  Shiloh is not bad as a city name.

Everybody eat lots of ham and hopefully something next week I'll have a more complete update for you.

By Amy